Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Catching Up I know why I always failed at journal writing...I would forget to do it for weeks at a time and then get tired of writing novels in my journals!

So...the since the last time I wrote, of course a lot has happened because it's been so long. The weekend after when I left off, Aubrey and I did a lot of walking. We went to Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Plaza, back to Central Park, and the NBA Store. We ran into some guy and actually bought tickets to a comedy show that everyone is always advertising. I guess it's the place where Jerry Seinfeld, Dane Cook, discovered and where Jerry Seinfeld used to shoot the openings of his shows. We went there like 2 hours early because the guy said The Met and the other museums were right there...he made us believe you could see them...well, we walked and could NOT find them anywhere around the comedy show. We were still an hour early to the show, and we were EXHAUSTED. So...we decided to sit on the doorstep to an apartment complex at random. It was a nice looking place...everyone that passed by just thought we lived there. Even the people the live in that building passed by us on the stairs and said hello and asked how we were. The show was actually pretty funny! I guess the people that perform there have to be on TV a set amount of times a week or month or something in order to perform at that club. Most of them are on Comedy Central shows. Oh and Aubrey and I must have been looking really good this weekend because we got hit on CONSTANTLY on the street. It was obnoxious. Apparently guys in New York have absolutely no shame! Exhibit A: We walked by an ABC Studio building and some guy was outside on his cell phone and as we walked by, he was like, "Mmm...cute!" We kept walking and I heard him say, "Oh hey...Imma hafta call you right back..." As he noticed that we were not slowing down, but in fact speeding up, he said, "Alright fine...bye..." in our direction. That one was probably my favorite.

The next weekend we decided was our Coney Island weekend. We went to Coney Island on Saturday (the subway ride took FOREVER and there was a really crazy lady on our train...shouting on the phone telling somebody to let her talk to her baby or else...) expecting it to be really cool...disappointment! It was actually pretty dirty and gross. Not to mention we were not prepared for a trip to the beach at all! It was very unsuccessful! Afterward, we declared ourselves official New Yorkers because we had nothing else to do! We had done just about everything on our lists! So we went out to dinner and a movie to celebrate! :)

Last weekend was Memorial day weekend. Aubrey and I had tickets to the Yankees game on Friday and so I got off work a little early to get out there! It was so crazy! The subways were really packed, and after we got off at Yankee Stadium, everyone just started chanting and cheering! It was so fun! I was really sad that Alex Rodriguez wasn't playing...but it was a really good game to be there for! And it was fleet week, so there were hot men in uniform everywhere we looked! :) It was a lot of fun. Aubrey was going to D.C. for the weekend, so the next morning I went back to Tuxedo. I spent Saturday and Sunday all alone in this old, creepy house. I don't do well in new houses all alone, so this was a struggle for me! Especially because the doors to this house don't really lock...I mean they do, but I wouldn't bet my life that they are "break-in" proof. But don't worry...I definitely had every single door locked, window shut, etc.

Jane flew in Sunday morning and so Monday morning, I went back into the city to hang out with her and her dad!!! I love them! It was so nice to have someone that I know really well come visit me! I've missed my close friends that I've had for awhile! And I want more of them to come visit me! ;) We went shopping (or more JANE went shopping and I walked around!), went out to dinner, and went out to dessert! It was amazing!

My family has also decided that they are ALL coming to visit me and I am so excited! They are flying in on my birthday and then flying out 9 days later! They fly in on a Friday and we'll probably go out to eat for mine and my little sister's birthdays like we always do and then Saturday and Sunday we are hitting the city! I am working Monday-Thursday while my family does other things...maybe go to the Hamptons or back in to the city...whatever they want to do...and we are going to see Wicked on Broadway Wednesday night! Thursday after work we are going to drive to Palmyra, New York and hang out there all day Friday and then Saturday we are going to go see Niagara Falls! Then my family will fly out Sunday afternoon/evening. Evan and Jessica will head to Salt Lake while the rest of my family head to Seattle. I am SO excited for their visit! It is also going to come at the best time! I have never been without some family on my birthday and I'm glad I don't have to start yet! :) Plus, that will be really close to the time that I will be coming home, so I'm sure I will be starving for some family interaction! I love them! :)

Lately the 4 year old has been pretty obnoxious. The other day, we made cookies. I told him he could have one when he finished his lunch. Then, things got ugly. He said to me, "If you don't give me a cookie right now, I'm not going to eat my lunch." When I didn't back down, he said, "If you don't give me a cookie right now, I'm not going to play with you." When that didn't seem to bother me, he said, "If you don't give me a cookie right now, I'm going to push you." I don't know what it is, but he's been "threatening" me like that the last few days...and it just started. It's really weird. I don't understand it...I've taught preschool and kindergarten for school...but I haven't had any kids act the way this kid has towards me. He's been defiant lately and it's driving me crazy. Hopefully I can figure out a way to get him to LISTEN to me...otherwise I might go insane working these next 3 months!

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